CBD Oil and CBD Tincture
CBD is becoming more and more popular. Many people are thinking about trying CBD supplements to lead a healthy lifestyle and improve their wellness, and some are in doubt as to what the terms CBD oil and CBD tincture mean.
Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the many active substances, called cannabinoids, found in the hemp plant. Despite the mistaken beliefs of some, CBD is a non-psychoactive substance and therefore does not produce that effect of being “high”. On the contrary, CBD has important benefits for the consumer as it helps to maintain the body’s homeostasis, i.e. CBD has the ability to keep the body in balance.
As these benefits are becoming more widely known, it is no wonder that the CBD industry is booming. There are already a wide variety of products available, although the most popular are CBD oils and tinctures.
There is quite a bit of confusion surrounding the terms oil and tincture. That’s why in this article we are going to answer that frequently asked question: Is CBD oil the same as CBD tincture?
What is CBD oil?
CBD oil is produced from industrial hemp. This plant is a cousin of hemp that does not contain THC, the famous component with psychoactive properties. In CBD oils, cannabidiol is usually extracted using the CO2 extraction method.
Although this is an expensive technique, it is the safest and purest way to extract cannabinoids. It requires specialized equipment and experts who can perform this method, but the high quality of the final product makes it well worth the investment.
Once the CBD is extracted, it is suspended in an inert oil such as MCT or coconut oil. CBD oils are taken orally by placing a few drops under the tongue for about 90 seconds before swallowing. In this way, the CBD passes quickly into the bloodstream through the capillaries under the tongue.
What is a CBD tincture?
By definition, a tincture is a medicine obtained by dissolving a drug in alcohol. They are very similar to CBD oils because they contain high levels of CBD and generally very low levels of THC.
To obtain the tincture, the plant material is dissolved in a high-proof alcohol or other solvent. The alcohol acts as a preservative, but also provides a low-calorie alternative to oils, which contain high levels of saturated or unsaturated fats.
Tinctures are a very old and traditional way of administering a medicine, but they are still used today.
Like CBD oils, tinctures can also be taken sublingually by holding a few drops under the tongue for 90 seconds before swallowing.
Are they the same?
Although we have already described what the traditional forms of CBD oil and tincture consist of, these definitions may not exactly fit today’s products. In fact, they are now more or less interchangeable terms. Although typically consumed sublingually, both can be applied to the skin as a topical treatment.
Manufacturers can now use either term interchangeably, so when you go to buy a CBD product we advise you to be well informed to know whether you are buying an oil or a tincture.

Final thought
Currently the terms CBD tincture and CBD oil are used interchangeably. Most manufacturers make CBD oils, as explained above, but may market them as tincture simply because they are administered sublingually, as tinctures have been taken for centuries.
If you really want to know the differences between the two, the information in this article can serve as a guide to whether you are taking an oil or a tincture. However, almost all manufacturers sell high quality products and it can be difficult to find an authentic tincture. The CO2 extraction method is the most common method of obtaining CBD, which is why oils are more common.
The name change can be somewhat confusing, but in the end both products are very similar. Both contain CBD and are consumed sublingually, so there is little difference between consuming a CBD oil or a CBD tincture.
For more ideas on cbd oil uk, you can hop over to their page now.

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